

LinkserV - My First Ever Project


LinkserV is a comprehensive web platform developed as the final project for my Computer Science major in highschool. The project showcases a wide range of web development skills, from front-end design to back-end data management, within the constraints of using only HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and internal SQL services.

Project Objective:

The main objective of LinkserV was to create a user-friendly platform that efficiently manages user links, offering a seamless experience for profile management and interaction. This project aimed to demonstrate the practical use of web development languages such as HTML5 and CSS3, as well as creating a useful and innovative app.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication & Signup - Login System: Secure login and registration system with validation. Password encryption for enhanced security.
  • Profile Management: Users can create, edit, and manage their profiles, links and many more elements within their page. Profile picture upload and bio section for personalization.
  • Data Management: Efficient handling and storage of user data using internal SQL services. Data retrieval and display in a user-friendly format.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Utilizes flexible grid layouts and media queries.
  • Interactive Interface: Dynamic elements such as modals, tooltips, and form validation. JavaScript-powered interactions for a smooth user experience.

Technologies Used:


HTML: Structured the content and layout of the web pages.

CSS: Styled the platform, ensuring a cohesive and modern design.

JavaScript: Added interactivity and dynamic behavior to the user interface.


Express.js: Handled API calls, processing of data and user actions within the server via the library, and with the Fetch API.

SQLite: Managed data storage, retrieval, and manipulation, ensuring efficient database operations.

Challenges Overcome:

  1. Security:

    • Implementing robust user authentication with password encryption (via the Bcrypt).
  2. Data Management:

    • Efficiently handling large volumes of user data. Optimizing database queries for quick data retrieval and display.
  3. Project Constraints

    • Developing a full-featured platform using only HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and internal SQL services.
    • Overcoming limitations of not using advanced frameworks and libraries.

Learning Outcomes:

Technical Skills:

  • Gained extensive hands-on experience in full-stack web development.

  • Mastered core web technologies and their practical applications.


  • Developed innovative solutions to overcome project constraints and challenges.

  • Enhanced ability to debug and optimize code for better performance.

Project Management:

  • Improved skills in planning, executing, and delivering a complex web project.
  • Learned to manage time and resources effectively to meet project deadlines.


LinkserV is a testament to my capabilities as a Full Stack Developer, demonstrating proficiency in core web development technologies and the ability to create a robust, user-friendly platform. This project highlights my technical expertise, innovative problem-solving skills, and commitment to delivering high-quality web solutions. It serves as a strong foundation for my career in web development, showcasing my ability to handle complex projects from concept to completion.

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